Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rock beats wood

Been devastated the last 3 days with stomach problems. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) it’s not the first time since I’ve been here. I have never had the kind of digestive issues I’ve had in Togo. Whatever. C’est le Togo.

Things have been moving (relatively) fast with the turkey expansion. Daniel was convinced to upgrade his turkey structures from wood to concrete. Henceforth, cement:

And more cement.

Here's where it's all going to go down.

And the view from the other side, where you can see Daniel's house. It's an average size Togolese house.

He actually bought the land about a year ago, and it's been sitting like this since. When I got to post, I told him we were going to do something with this space. I just hate seeing things being wasted or underutilized, which probably highly attributed to my engineering background. Progress! C'est bon, non?

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